Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Just so there is no confusion this is Tiffany writing this blog since my wonderful husband doesn't seem to have much time on his hands these days.
I wanted to let everyone know that we are going to be adding another addition to our family. Yes, Jorge and I are finally expecting a little bundle of joy!! My due date is January 28th so we have a few months before the baby comes but I have a feeling they will fly by just like the last 3 months have. We will let everyone know what we are having once we find out but that probably won't happen for another few weeks.
Other than the news of us having a baby we both have been staying extremely busy this summer. Jorge was coaching baseball for a legion team here in town so I was pretty much a widow for the last few months. We didn't get to see each other much but I know it's something he loves to do so I'm glad he has that opportunity. We also have been doing a lot of traveling to see my family in South Dakota for the 4th as well as a quick weekend trip to Nebraska to see his family. We have one more trip planned before the end of the summer to Nebraska for Valerie's wedding, Jorge's sister. After that I am looking forward for a few months of normal before the baby comes.
We will continue to keep everyone updated on the baby news as well as our own lives. Keep in touch and we love you all! God Bless!! :)