Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cruise Control/Ankle/Easter/London

I can’t believe it has been more than a month since I have updated my blog. Things happen in our lives but I need to take the time to right some of it down. Lately we have been kind of like on cruise control. With work and church and doing stuff around the house and outside, it all seems to become a big blur at times. Tiffany has been working overtime at her job because the Mortgage rates have been dropping and that constitutes to more applications that come in. She recently had been on a 3 month trail period to get a promotion from Loan processor to Loan Officer, so she took the Loan Officer position with lots of enthusiasm and zeal and now the job is hers. Congrats Honey. So with her new job and overtime and Easter coming up with the church Tiffany has been pretty much working on her music for Easter, having worship team practice, working, doing chores around the house and sleeping. As for me, almost 3 weeks ago I sprained by ankle pretty bad playing basketball. I’m in a league here at work and after work is when we usually play, but about three weeks ago I wasn’t playing anymore I was being carried out to the parking lot. This was my first really bad ankle sprain, it hurt and it swelled up to about the size of a softball. I went from work to the couch for about two weeks and I thought about uploading a picture of it on here but I will save you the anguish. Anyways I’m back walking again after being on crutches for about a week, and its getting better. We have trip planned to Playa de Carmen next weekend, so I need to get back to 100% so I can enjoy the beach, the resort and the Fun in the Sun. Pray for us since we have been hearing some things going on in Mexico that are not so great. On another note, my parents just got back from London which was their most amazing trip of their lives thus far. My Dad’s first time on an airplane was on this trip and way to experience his first flight with a direct flight from Denver to London like a 10hr trip. They had a guided tour the whole time and even checked out Paris for a day. Checkout my mom’s Facebook and all the pictures are up there. Stay tuned for pics of our Vacation.